Middle of the Mitten Golf Outing
Thursday, June 5 @ 8:30 am
Hidden Oaks Golf Course
1270 West Monroe Road, St. Louis, MI, USA
The Middle of the Mitten Community Golf Outing enters it’s 27th year in 2025! The Golf Outing is the major fundraiser for the St. Louis Independence Day Fireworks and in 2025 is scheduled for Thursday, June 5 at the beautiful Hidden Oaks Golf Course in St. Louis. Registration is expected to begin at 8:30 a.m. with shotgun start at 9:00 a.m. and the cook out and prize presentation following around 1:30 p.m.
This is an 18-hole event. Please consider organizing a 4-person team and playing in the outing. The cost will be announced closer to the event, which includes a Hole Sponsorship. Hole Sponsorships without a team can be purchased. A Hole Sponsorship includes a sign with your business or organization name on a hole the day of the Golf Outing, plus your business listing on the flyers, on the Internet, on Facebook, and in the e-newsletter.
Participation and sponsorship not only support the 4th of July Fireworks, it is a great way to get together and have fun with friends while enjoying our fine golf course. Prizes, contests, and lunch follow the 18-holes of play, all included in the cost of the outing.
Look for more information including how to register closer to the date of the event.